Starting replication for the CFIN_ACCHD table results in the error below, once the table is in the replication phase:
System error occurs when calling function module in target system
System error (portion 0000000001, conversion object Z_CFIN_ACCHD_[MTID], at [time])
Type conflict in ASSIGN in program /AIF/CL_ENABLER_BASE==========CP . (conversion object Z_CFIN_ACCHD_[MTID])
There is also a corresponding ASSIGN_TYPE_CONFLICT runtime dump in ST22 on the target CFIN system that states:
The termination occurred in ABAP program or include "/AIF/CL_ENABLER_BASE==========CP", in "UPDATE_KEYFIELDS".
SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server
SLT, /AIF/CL_ENABLER_BASE, conflict, type conflict , KBA , CA-LT-SLT , SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server (SLT) , FI-CF-AC , Replication of FI Postings , FI-CF-INF , Infrastructure, Tools, Mapping Framework , Problem
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