In Analysis Office, user is receiving the following exception while opening filter by member screen of one dimension:
An exception occurred in one of the data sources. SAP BI Add-in has disconnected all data sources.
InfoProvider does not exist (BRAIN-116, XXX)
An exception with the type CX_RSD_INFOPROV_NOT_FOUND was raised, but was not handled locally or declared in a RAISING clause. (RS_EXCEPTION-000, XXX)
An error occurred when getting data from the processor. (BRAIN-670, XXX)
Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION (RSBOLAP-000, XXX)
Analysis Office for Microsoft Office
Reproducing the Issue
Choose one dimension and open "Filter by Member"
Program error
Implement the SAP note below in transacion SNOTE in the backend system if applicable:
3072669 - Infoprov Not Found Error during F4 Value Help Call
InfoProvider does not exist, BRAIN-116, CX_RSD_INFOPROV_NOT_FOUND, BRAIN-670, SAPMSSY1, UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , BW-BEX-OT-DBIF , Interface to Database , BW-BEX-OT-F4 , MasterData read services , Problem