SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3223174 - html E-Mail Template is Deleted but still gets Considered in Sales Oder/ Service Order Output to your Account


An html e-mail template which you deleted still gets pulled in some of your already existing, submitted sales orders or service orders.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

The same issue can happen for both Sales Order and Service Orders.

  1. In Sales Orders work centre, create create a new Sales Order 123 (123 represents the sales order ID)
  2. Click Edit Output Settings
  3. You will see the output channel is e-mail and you see that an html e-mail template ABC is used (ABC represents the template name)
  4. Now submit and release the order
  5. Navigate to the Application and User Managements work centre
  6. Go to the Form Template Maintenance view
  7. Search for example for Sales Orders, where you have the html e-mail template ABC maintained
  8. Delete the html e-mail template ABC
  9. Now navigate back to sales order 123
  10. Here, click submit this time
  11. To trigger Output to the account use "Send Order confirmation to account" which will trigger an e-mail with the Sales order/ Service Order to the e-mail address of your account.
  12. Your expectation is that the html e-mail template you previously deleted is not used anymore, but that is not the case.


As there is no additional validation between submitting and "send Order to account", for existing documents the html e-mail template will still be used.

This is the expected system behavior.


Before you use the function "Send Order confirmation to account" navigate to "You can also" in the upper right corner of the screen and Edit the output settings.

Perform a "Dummy Change". For example, change e-mail output channel to printing and then back to e-mail.

This triggers a new validation and now you can use "Send Order confirmation to account" without the previously deleted html e-mail template.

See Also

This applies to all submit output scenarios  ie Sales Orders, Service Orders etc.


html email Template, Service Orders, Sales Orders, e-mail , KBA , AP-RC-OUT , Output Management , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions