You are trying to post a Payment Allocation XYZ (XYZ represents the Payment Allocation ID) and you are getting the error message:
'Account determination is missing for item type Withholding Tax. Specify account determination in chart of accounts ABC: DEF Chart of Accounts and account determination profile . Column Path Tax->Withholding Tax->Withholding Tax, Item Type Withholding Tax.'
(ABC represents the Account Determination Profile)
(DEF represents the Chart of Accounts)
SAP Business ByDesign.
Chart of Accounts; Financial Reporting Structures; Account Determination; Account determination is missing for item type Withholding Tax. Specify account determination in chart of accounts ABC: DEF Chart of Accounts and account determination profile . Column Path Tax->Withholding Tax->Withholding Tax, Item Type Withholding Tax.; Payment Allocation; Payment Allocation error; , KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , How To
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