SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3223421 - The Error "No time file or org. assignment without gaps found between and" is Displayed When Releasing a Service Confirmation


When releasing the Service Confirmation with Order Completion, the error "No time file or org. assignment without gaps found between and" is being displayed in the UI.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Service Orders Work Center.
  2. Go to the Service Order Processing View.
  3. Filter for All Orders.
  4. Search for the Service Order ABC (where ABC represents the Service Order ID).
  5. Open, Select View All.
  6. Click Confirm Service Execution button.
  7. In the new Service Confirmation EFG screen, click Release with Order Completion button (where EFG stands for service confirmation ID).

The Error "No time file or org. assignment without gaps found between and" is displayed.


Scenario 1:

The functionality that automatically creates time entries for Service Confirmations is currently "In Scope" in the system. Therefore, the question "Do you want automatic time recording for service orders?" under the Questions Step for the Service and Repair Business Topic has been scoped.

However, at the same time the Time and Labor Management is not scoped in the system, so the employees do not have a time file and the error "No time file or org. assignment without gaps found between and" is displayed when relesing the  Service Confirmation.

Scenario 2:

The employee maintained in the Service Confirmation EFG is missing in the Employees View of Personnel Administration Work Center, therefore the error "No time file or org. assignment without gaps found between and" will also be displayed when relesing the Service Confirmation.


Scenario 1:

If the Time and Labor Management is not required in the system, this functionality shoud be descoped in the system.

Scenario 2:

Make the employee available in the Employees View of Personnel Administration Work Center. The employees mainatained in the Service Confirmation should be available for time recording in this scenario.

See Also

Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by SAP

KBA 2058364 - Employee Missing in the Employees View of Personnel Administration


Service Confirmation, Personnel Administration, Employees, Time and Labor Management , KBA , SRD-CRM-SEO , Service Orders , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions