- A user database is corruption with 823 and 694 error.
- Dropping this corrupted database can lead to timeslice errors and result in corruption of the master database.
- Upon rebooting, the master database is severely corrupted and must be restored from backup.
- A read error message raises in ASE errorlog file when starting ASE server:
Opening Master Database ...
server I/O did not occur, buffer contents are unchanged. Previous page in buffer = 0 Previous ptnid = -1.
server Starting diagnostics for read failure:
server Device Information:
Device number = 0
Phyname = /dev/master.dat
Buffer Information:
Buf addr = 0x6c6e1f630, Mass addr = 0x6c6e1f630
Buf pageno = 0, Mass pageno = 0, dbid = 1
server Buf virtpg = 0, Mass virtpg = 4 Buf stat = 0x1, Mass stat = 0x1008 Mass keep = 1, Mass awaited = 0
server PAGE DEBUG ELEMENT: buffer state = 1d; prior to io ptnid = -1, page number =0; page timestamp lo=0 hi=0; latch requested mode=1, type=32; latch result = 1; number of times searched = 0.
server Page Information from first read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 0, pptnid = -1, pindid = 0 pnextpg = 3, pprevpg = 396558336 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x300 pts_hi = 0, pts_lo = 0
server Page Information from second read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 0, pptnid = -1, pindid = 0 pnextpg = 3, pprevpg = 396558336 plevel = 0, pstat = 0x300 pts_hi = 0, pts_lo = 0
Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE), CR800733, I/O did not occur, master, buffer contents are unchanged, ppageno = 0, pnextpg = 3, dropping database, dbcc dbrepair , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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