You try to delete a row in transaction SPRO, SM30 or SM34. This message appears in screen Information:
Data record contains fix value from BC Set and cannot be deleted
This KBA applies for all SAP Products based on NetWeaver and S4H.
SAP S/4HANA 2021
Data record contains fix value from BC Set and cannot be deleted
Message no. SV177Diagnosis
You have flagged a data record for deletion which contains at least one field which is flagged as fix by a BC Set activation. You can only delete this data record after you have released the BC Set fix values in the 'BC Set: Change Field Value' menu.System Response
The affected data records are not deleted. Any other data records flagged for deletion are deleted.Procedure
To delete the locked data records, choose 'Edit' -> 'BC Set' -> 'BC Set: Change Field Value'.Entry could not be deleted
Message no. SV115Diagnosis
When deleting an entry, the system found that this caused a dataset inconsistency. This can happen, for example, if within a hierarchy of table entries (Header entry --> Item entry) a table entry is deleted, for which item entries still exist.System Response
No entries were deleted. The entry is still selected.Procedure
Please check whether, when deleting an entry, it is also necessary to delete dependent entries in order to achieve dataset consistency. Then call the function again , KBA , BC-CUS-TOL-TME , View Maintenance Tool , BC-CUS-TOL-IMG , Implementation Guide , BC-CUS-TOL-BCD , Business Configuration Sets , ProblemAbout this page
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