- These warnings would appear frequently in the active SRS in HADR setup, or in the DR SRS HADR setup with third node despite the fact that the configuration parameter 'memory_limit' is set to a very large value:
WARNING #24070 dALARM( ) - generic/sqt/sqtint.c(9736)
SQT(114:0 site2.SID): A timeout has occurred while a large transaction ( '00020005dfe1' ? 'a800' .xxx '000000' l '00000000') was waiting for the next message to be read.
Connection to server 'RDS2' as user 'SID_maint' has been faded out (closed).
WARNING #7038 RSI USER(MYRS) - de/generic/mem/mem.c(2912)
WARNING: Memory usage is above 80 percent. Increase 'memory_limit' or reduce cache sizes to avoid repserver threads from sleeping due to lack of memory.
WARNING #7039 DSI EXEC(114(3) RDS2.db) - de/generic/mem/mem.c(2912)
WARNING CANCEL: Memory usage is below 80 percent.
- "admin who" outputs show that the affected thread is in memory controlling state:
22 DSI Controlling Mem 114 RDS2.db - "admin stats,mem_detail_stats" outputs show the affected thread is DSIS:
Object(State) Memory_Consumed Memory_Consumed_Mb Max_Memory_Consumed_Mb Avg_Memory_Consumed_Mb Memory_Threshold_Mb Memory_Ctrl_Time(s)
-------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------- -------------------
DSIS (Ctrl) 11245474000 10724 13039 10730 3266 22659
DSIE (Norm) 27215408 25 1075 40 4410 0
Total(Norm) 12199245766 11634 13339 N/A 16334 0 - There can be some large open transactions in the SQT cache around same time.
SAP Replication Server (SAP SRS) 16.0 SP04 PL01
SAP Replication Server 16.0
hang, CR826327, 826327, CR#826327, #5245, 5245, Scheduler, stop, populating , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Known Error
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