- A large table is (re)partitioned on a HANA Database. For example :
alter table PCL2
partition by range(<column_name>)
(partition '000'<= VALUES<'<>',
partition '<>'<= VALUES <'<>',
partition others);
- Before the partitioning was carried out, the '/hana/data' volume had 348GB free, as below.
sidadm@host:/home/...> df -h | grep data
/dev/mapper/hanadatavg-<> 1.8T 1.5T 348G 82% /hana/data
- The partition job is successful. When the command finished, /hana/data reaches 93% as below. /hana/log is at 46%.
/dev/mapper/hanadatavg-<> 1.8T 1.7T 146G 93% /hana/data
/dev/mapper/hanalogvg-<> 512G 232G 281G 46% /hana/log
- However minutes later, /hana/data reaches 100% as below. /hana/log was still at 46% as all changes mad been recorded.
/dev/mapper/hanadatavg-<> 1.8T 1.8T 1.6M 100% /hana/data
/dev/mapper/hanalogvg-<> 512G 232G 281G 46% /hana/log
- indexserver traces show diskfull events toward the end and just after the partition job finishes :
[62853]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-07-08 14:43:17.259852 i Savepoint SavepointImpl.cpp(03044) : Savepoint current savepoint version: 411217, restart redo log position: 0x65aaab79d0, next savepoint version: 411218, last snapshot SP version: 0
[54947]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-07-08 14:48:44.170342 i EventHandler LocalFileCallback.cpp(00495) : [DISKFULL] (1st request) [W] , buffer= 0x0001ff6b82330000, offset= 1970802786304, size= 0/16777216, file= "<root>/datavolume_0000.dat" ((open, mode= RW, access= rw-rw-r--, flags= ASYNC|DIRECT|MUST_NOT_EXIST|LOCK), factory= (root= "/hana/data/<SID> /mnt00001/hdb00003.00003/" (access= rw-rw-r--, flags= AUTOCREATE_PATH, usage= DATA, fs= xfs, config= (async_write_submit_active=on,async_write_submit_blocks=all,async_read_submit=on,num_submit_queues=1,num_completion_queues=1,size_kernel_io_queue=512,max_parallel_io_requests=64,min_submit_batch_size=16,max_submit_batch_size=64))) {shortRetries= 0, fullRetries= 0 (0/10)}
[54947]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-07-08 14:48:44.170390 i EventHandler EventManagerImpl.cpp(00675) : New event reported: 'DiskFullEvent[id= 2, path= /hana/data/<SID>/mnt00001/hdb00003.00003/, state= NEW]'
[54947]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-07-08 14:48:44.170399 i Logger LoggerImpl.cpp(00104) : Logger notified of new DiskFull: DiskFullEvent[id= 2, path= /hana/data/<SID> /mnt00001/hdb00003.00003/, state= NEW]
. . . . . .
[14240]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-07-08 16:02:18.278810 i EventHandler EventManagerImpl.cpp(00951) : Event 'DiskFullEvent[id= 2, path= /hana/data/<SID>/mnt00001/hdb00003.00003/, state= HANDLING]' set to state 'handled'
M_SAVEPOINT statistics show very large pageflushes as part of the savepoint writes occurring as expected, both during and after the partition operation has finished :
hostname | 30,040 | 3 | Jul. 8, 2022, 2:48:17.253622 p.m. | TRIGGERED_TIMEBASED | NORMAL | PAGEFLUSH | 242,833,866,752 | 15,688 | 0 | 397 | 242,807,701,504 | 3,946,414,005 |
hostname | 30,040 | 3 | Jul. 8, 2022, 2:43:17.102543 p.m. | TRIGGERED_TIMEBASED | NORMAL | DONE | 67,334,144 | 1,101 | 1 | 262 | 45,821,952 | 157,348 |
hostname | 30,040 | 3 | Jul. 8, 2022, 2:30:23.3592 p.m. | TRIGGERED_TIMEBASED | NORMAL | DONE | 150,753,951,744 | 9,784 | 7 | 235 | 150,732,795,904 | 473,753,623 |
In all :
242.83 GB flushed to disk @ 14:48 pm
45.8 GB flushed to disk @ 14:43 pm
150.73 GB flushed to disk @ 12:30 pm
This means that ~ 439.3 GB worth of modified pages were flushed and written to the 'hana/data' disk in a space of just 20 minutes.
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 1.0
partitioning, pageflush, hana/data, hana/log, re-partition, diskfull , KBA , HAN-DB-PER , SAP HANA Database Persistence , Problem
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