The following Guided Answer decision tree aims to address and clarify configuration and issues that may arise during our daily basis activities, along with the Official documentation.
SAP Netweaver release independent
SAPconnect, SOST, SOIN,SCOT, SCON, FAX, Mail, E-mail, FTP, SFTP, 21, 25, 25000, 25001, 587, 465, mail host, mail port, SMTP AUTH, sendgrid, Office365, outlook, XS855, XS856, XS899, XS086, XS612, XS702, XS806, XS812, XS816, XS817, XS826, XS829, XS834, XS835, XS848, SO672, SMS, Pager, Inbound, outbound, bounce back, sbwp, rsbcs_reorg, rsbcs, soffcont1, content server, read recipient, status request, sapftp, sapftpa, saphttp, saphttpa, reorganization, express messages, smtp node, long text, send job, code page, email size, size exceeded, su01, scif, telnet, 220 , 554, PROT=SMTP, is/SMTP/virt_host , KBA , BC-SRV-COM , Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony , BC-SRV-COM-TEL , Telephone Connection , BC-SRV-COM-FTP , File Transfer via FTP , BC-SRV-COM-INT , Obsolete. Please use BC-SRV-COM , BC-SRV-COM-MSX , obsolete. Please use BC-SRV-COM , How To
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