- UDT stays in hang during the creation of universe when select an existing connection: While creating a new universe on UDT, it get stuck/hang.
- When creating a business layer on top of BICS connection in IDT, IDT becomes unresponsive while loading the objects of the BEx query and the following error seen in the logs:
GC overhead limit exceeded (max heap: 768 MB) - Consuming the BEx query directly from the BICS connection IDT there is no issue.
- The issue is specific for huge BEx query having many levels, hierarchies.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 SP8 Patch 500
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 SP9 Patch 800
- Web Intelligence
- Universe Design Tool
- BAPI universe
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2
bapi udt hang gc overhead bex idt 4.2 , KBA , BI-BIP-UDT , Universe Design Tool , Problem
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