Via a SOAP interface, you try to retrieve batches of e.g. 1000 customers using QueryCustomerIn. As a response from the SOAP interface, you get all 1000 customers of the first batch. This works as expected so far. But the flag MoreHitsAvailableIndicator (more records available) always returns False.
There are more customers in the system and it should be possible to retrieve further batches of customers. Therefore you expect that the flag returns a True. But because the flag is set to False, after the first batch of 1000, no more batches can be retrieved.
SAP Business ByDesign
--Steps to Reproduce--
- Call the SOAP interface with your request.
- The response returns a False for MoreHitsAvailableIndicator respectively MoreHitsAvailableIndicatorField.
SAP Business ByDesign
ProcessingConditions.MoreHitsAvailableIndicator, incorrect, not possible, unable, not able, wrong, result, MoreHitsAvailableIndicatorField , KBA , BC-SRV-FSI , Fast Search Infrastructure , Problem
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