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3226042 - Assertion 109801 then server aborts -SAP IQ


  • Executing a sequence of lock and DDL operations on a table and its view causes server crash with assertion failure and stacktrace.
  • In pre - 16.1 SP04 PL13 and SP05 PL03 versions, the same sequence statements causes a silent crash.
  • Only message logged is bellow logged in std error file (similar to KBA  3149471 /CR 826178):
      "pure virtual method called
       terminate called without an active exception"
  • In IQ 16.1 SP04 PL13 , error and stacktrace below are logged: 

    *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 109801 (
         **       Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
         **       at stcxtlib/st_iqctl.cxx:1344 on thread 140730386585344 (TID 4)
         **       *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 109801 (
         **       Please report this to SAP IQ support
         **       with the following diagnostic information,
         **       and, if possible, with the user's command.
         **  Error from IQ connection:  SA connHandle: 1  SA connID: 30  IQ connID: xxxx  User: xxxx
         **  Time of error:  2022-07-18 09:43:04
         **  IQ Version:  SAP IQ/16.1.040/17090/P/SP04.13
         **  OS info:  IQ built on: Linux/Linux64 - x86_64 - 3.10.0-327,  Executed on: Linux/lonl34411371a/3.10.0-693.17.1.el7.x86_64/#1 SMP Sun Jan 14 10:36:03 EST 2018/x86_64
         **  Command status when error occurred:  NO COMMAND OR CURSOR ACTIVE
         **  Parser command text:
    ===== Thread Number 140730386585344 (IQ connID: xxxx) (IQSaintForbid: 1) =====
    pc: 0x7ffdac1ec3d4 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x34
    pc: 0x7ffdac1ecb71 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x191
    pc: 0x7ffdac1edab9 StackTraceForThisThread(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, char const*)+0x299
    pc: 0x7ffdaba37ed0 UIQCtl_LogAssertionInfoToIQMsg+0x10
    pc: 0x7ffdace929bb st_SAIQInterfaceInfo::callFunction()+0x1b
    pc: 0x7ffdacefa472 st_SAIQInterface::RunIQFunc(st_SAIQInterfaceInfo*)+0x222
    pc: 0x7ffdace92e7b st_SAIQInterface::Execute(int, void*, unsigned int (*)+0x36b
    pc: 0x7ffdac1f7ffa saint_iqthresholdctl::LogAssertionInfoToIQMsg(char const*)+0x5a
    pc: 0x7ffff6a94d51 DB_Assert(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, char const*, ...)+0x2c1
    pc: 0x7ffff6a0a3ae EngTerminate()+0x8e
    pc: 0x7ffff60c0746 <unknown>
    pc: 0x7ffff60c0773 <unknown>
    pc: 0x7ffff60c12df <unknown>
    pc: 0x7ffff6a275ad TableDefCache::find(unsigned int)+0x6d
    pc: 0x7ffff7210f40 Database::FindTableInCache(unsigned int)+0x10
    pc: 0x7ffff72162f7 DB_AccessTable(an_errmap_index*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*, char*)+0x227
    pc: 0x7ffff72167d4 DB_FindTable(unsigned int*, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, an_errmap_index*)+0x384
    pc: 0x7ffff6cbe279 dbi_find_table_def(a_table*, unsigned int, an_errmap_index*, TableLookupOptions const&, a_priv_op_type, unsigned int)+0x59
    pc: 0x7ffff6a2e052 Database::FindTableByName(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, a_priv_op_type)+0xc2
    pc: 0x7ffff72bb060 UseTable(a_ptree_info*, a_table*, unsigned int, unsigned int)+0x5e0
    pc: 0x7ffff72bbc3f AddTableExpr(a_ptree_info*, QueryNode*)+0x28f
    pc: 0x7ffff72bc0ed BuildQueryExpr(a_ptree_info*, an_expr_op, QueryNode*)+0x1bd
    pc: 0x7ffff72bbfbc BuildQueryExpr(a_ptree_info*, an_expr_op, QueryNode*)+0x8c
    pc: 0x7ffff72d485b AnnotateSelect(a_ptree_info*, a_statement_option*, QueryNode*)+0x5b
    pc: 0x7ffff72d7c4c ParseSupport::Annotate(IDBHeap*, IDBHeap*, Connection*, SACursor*, a_parse_parms*, a_parse_goal, a_statement*, void*, a_tabdef_set**)+0x4fc
    pc: 0x7ffff6d4850f AnnotateCtrl::AnnotateParseTree()+0x27f
    pc: 0x7ffff6d48faf AnnotateStatement(a_db_cursor*, a_statement*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, IDBHeap*)+0x8f
    pc: 0x7ffff70f29c1 MakeVolcanoOptimizerCursor(IDBHeap*, a_statement*, an_isolation_level, a_cursor_spec*, unsigned int, unsigned int, PlanInfo*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, df_InternalCursor*, dfv_HostVars**, a_set_of_row_descriptors**, a_query_diagnostics*)+0x221
    pc: 0x7ffff6bf7495 MakeCursorForView(IDBHeap*, a_view*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)+0x225
    pc: 0x7ffff6c830e1 RecompileView(TableDef*, unsigned int)+0x241
    pc: 0x7ffff6c84786 dbi_alterview(a_statement*)+0x1026
    pc: 0x7ffff6d68797 DoExecuteBodyLocal(Connection*, a_stmt*, a_statement*, a_stmt_identifier*, bool, unsigned int, unsigned short)+0x15f7
    pc: 0x7ffff6d69aa5 DoExecuteStmt(Connection*, a_stmt*, a_statement*, a_stmt_identifier*, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned int)+0xc75
    pc: 0x7ffff6d6b0ba db__execute(Connection*, an_sqlpres_receive*)+0x11a
    pc: 0x7ffff6d81576 RequestProcedure::call()+0xf06
    pc: 0x7ffff6b29711 Worker::spawn(Procedure*)+0x31
    pc: 0x7ffff6d853e6 EngStream::handle_ind(unsigned char, unsigned int)+0x156
    pc: 0x7ffff6d86f3f EngStream::execute()+0x81f
    pc: 0x7ffff6d870bd RQConnItem::do_request()+0xd
    pc: 0x7ffff6d7ee6e RQBaseItem::do_work(Worker*)+0x1e
    pc: 0x7ffff6dc2a87 RequestQueue::worker_body()+0x77
    pc: 0x7ffff6d80229 request_task(void*)+0x89
    pc: 0x7ffff7209ace run_task_body+0x1e
    pc: 0x7ffff6dc46d1 UnixTask::pre_body(void*)+0x71
    pc: 0x7ffff6370ea5 <unknown>
    pc: 0x7ffff588c9fd <unknown>
         **       End of stack trace from Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error stcxtlib/st_iqctl.cxx:1344
    ***   SAP IQ Abort:
    ***      From:  stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:2455
    ***      PID: 158653
    ***      Message: caught signal 8, program abort
    ***      Thread: 140730386585344  (TID: 4)
  • Messages below are seen
    Srvlog : EngineTerminated() called at
    Stderr : pure virtual method called



SAP IQ 16.1


SAP IQ 16.1


CR 826877, CR#826877 , CR826877 , 826877 , EngineTerminated, 'pure virtual method called' , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Product Enhancement

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