SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3226924 - Transport Zone for Region Paris is Flagged to be Obsolete


You can observe that Transportation Zone for region Paris is set to obsolete in Supply Chain Design Master Data work center


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

1. Navigate to the Supply Chain Design Master Data work center

 2. Go to the Transport Zones view

 3. Search and select the required Transport Zone

 4. Click on Edit button and go to the General tab

 5. Go to the Regions sub-tab

 6. Click on Add Row and add the Country France and select the Region Paris

 You can see that region Paris is marked as obsolete


The ISO standard organization has changed the ISO code for France/Paris from "75" to "75C", leaving the code 75 without content.

There could be a huge amount of documents stored in region code 75, by deleting the code 75 would lead to inconsistencies.


We have delivered a new code 75C with having the flag "Obsolete" is set to true, and changed the textual description of code 75 to Paris Obsolete.

This enables you to actively decide how to proceed depending on your current status:

1. Go to Business Configuration work center

2. Selct Overview

3. Search for Regions and invoke the activity Regions

Here you can change the textual description of 75 as well as set the 75C to active (by removing the Obsolete flag) for future use in documents.

Having both codes, 75 and 75C, active will lead to doubled entries in the selection list for regions. Therefore, we recomend you to toggle the obsolete flags of 75 and 75C in order to only use the currently valid code 75C.


Transport Zone, Region, Obsolete, France, Paris, 75, 75C, ISO Code , KBA , LOD-LE-RC-CTY , Country , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions