In a Web Dynpro ABAP report (bsa_query) e.g. the Name of the Bookmarks column is not displayed (not visible) in the 'Manage Bookmarks' popup.
The issue is user dependent. E.g. User A can see the Name of the Bookmarks ('Name' column), but User B can't see the same.
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- Web Dynpro report
- Multidimensional report
- Analytical query
bookmark, bookmarks, web dynpro report, multidimensional report, analytical query, bsa_query, not displayed, column not displayed, name not displayed, not visible, invisible element, hidden, user dependent, user specific, manage bookmarks, bsa_query, error, issue, bookmark issue, bookmarks name, bookmark name, popup, WDA, Web Dynpro ABAP , KBA , BW-RUI-FPM , FPM Analytical GUIBB , How To
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