The Commerce Cloud build does not contain the new changes/commits.
The build logs contains the following typical lines:
INFO d.h.c.i.ProjectDockerImage [main] Using platform image with hash = <hash value>
INFO d.h.c.i.r.DockerRegistryClient [main] Checking whether tag hash-<hash value> exists for the image <customer_code>/platform in the registry <customer_registry>
INFO d.h.c.i.ProjectDockerImage [main] Image <customer_code>/platform for hash <hash value> is available in the registry
While normally the last line should be:
INFO d.h.c.i.ProjectDockerImage [main] Image <customer_code>/platform for hash <hash value> is not available in the registry
And we can also find the following logs:
INFO d.h.c.i.h.g.HashGeneratorUtils [main] Skipping generating hash from file: <The path of the corresponding code which the customer mentioned in the changes/comments>
Build, Updates do not affect in CCV2 builds , KBA , CEC-SCC-CLA-BUI , Build Process , How To
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