SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3228010 - How To Deactivate The Creation Of An Object For Groupware Integration?


You would like to prevent the creation of an object via Outlook Server Side Integration or Gmail Integration.


SAP Cloud for Customer


  1. Navigate to Email Integration Work center.
  2. Enter the Groupware settings View.
  3. Go to Profiles tab.
  4. Enter the desired profile.
  5. Navigate to Add-in settings.
  6. In the desired object card (for example Account) click on settings tab.
  7. Uncheck the "Allow create" option.
  8. Click on "Save and apply Profile to All Users".

See Also

2716090 - Unable to Change the Allow Create and Allow Update Check Boxes in E-Mail Integration


Allow create, Outlook, Gmail, Groupware Integration , KBA , LOD-CRM-GW-SCC , Invisible CRM - Smart Cloud Connect Solution , LOD-CRM-GW-GM , Gmail , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2205