You would like to prevent the creation of an object via Outlook Server Side Integration or Gmail Integration.
SAP Cloud for Customer
- Navigate to Email Integration Work center.
- Enter the Groupware settings View.
- Go to Profiles tab.
- Enter the desired profile.
- Navigate to Add-in settings.
- In the desired object card (for example Account) click on settings tab.
- Uncheck the "Allow create" option.
- Click on "Save and apply Profile to All Users".
See Also
2716090 - Unable to Change the Allow Create and Allow Update Check Boxes in E-Mail Integration
Allow create, Outlook, Gmail, Groupware Integration , KBA , LOD-CRM-GW-SCC , Invisible CRM - Smart Cloud Connect Solution , LOD-CRM-GW-GM , Gmail , How To
SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2205