Job SWWRUNCNT (program RSWWRUNCNT) terminated with the following dumps:
Category Resource bottleneck Runtime Errors SYSTEM_NO_ROLL |
Short text |
The memory request for ***** bytes could not be complied with. |
What happened? |
Each transaction requires some main memory space to process application |
Source Code Extract |
SELECT client task_key value FROM sww_syregister INTO TABLE lt_db_entries WHERE application EQ m_application AND subcategory EQ m_subcategory. mt_db_keys->* = CORRESPONDING #( lt_db_entries ). SORT lt_db_entries BY value. |
Category Resource bottleneck Runtime Errors TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED |
Short text |
No more memory available to add rows to an internal table. |
What happened? |
An attempt was made to add rows to an internal table. There was no memory available for this however. |
Source Code Extract |
SELECT client task_key value FROM sww_syregister INTO TABLE lt_db_entries WHERE application EQ m_application AND subcategory EQ m_subcategory. mt_db_keys->* = CORRESPONDING #( lt_db_entries ). SORT lt_db_entries BY value. |
- SAP Business Workflow
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4 HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM 1809 - Application Server ABAP (SAP_BASIS 7.53)
- ABAP PLATFORM 1909 - Application Server ABAP (SAP_BASIS 7.54)
- ABAP PLATFORM 2020 - Application Server ABAP (SAP_BASIS 7.55)
WF_GDPR, SWF_WORKFLOW, CL_SWF_UTL_SYREGISTER=========CP, CL_SWF_UTL_SYREGISTER=========CM003, EVENT RSWWRUNCNT, PO 238, PO238, RSDBRUNT, Workflow: Generation of Local Structures, %_INIT_PBO_FIRST, CL_SWF_UTL_SYREGISTER=>GET_VALUES, ST22 dump, transaction SWF_CNT_STR_EDIT, Clear table SWW_SYREGISTER, ABAP Dictionary types, SELECT client task_key value FROM sww_syregister INTO TABLE lt_db_entries , KBA , BC-BMT-WFM , Business Workflow , Problem
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