When user executes "hdblcm" to upgrade our SAP HANA Cockpit, it fails with below error:
15:53:35.184 - INFO: Output line 16: ERR Software component dependency is not fulfilled
15:53:35.184 - INFO: Output line 17: Following required software components are missing:
15:53:35.184 - INFO: Output line 18: XSAC_HRTT ( 2.xx.201xx ->[This is component version and it might vary depends on your target version]
15:53:35.185 - INFO: Output line 19: Cleanup starts...
15:53:35.456 - INFO: Output line 20: Cleanup finished successfully
15:53:35.457 - INFO: Output line 21:
15:53:35.457 - INFO: Output line 22: Installation failed in validation: Software component dependency is not fulfilled.
- SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced Model
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
XSA, XS Advanced, HANA Extended, Application Services, authentication, activate, xsuaa, xs install, hdblcm,Software component dependency, not fulfilled, Software component, missing, validation, XSAC_HRTT. , KBA , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , BC-XS-ADM , Admin Tools , Problem
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