You migrate open item for payable, you get errors:
Tax Data: missing key relationship for the following values:
Key AAAA, XXX...XXXXXXX, BB(AAAA stands for the Company ID, XXX...XXXXXXX stands for the Document ID, BB is the Line Item ID).
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration Work Center.
- Go to Overview View.
- Search and open Activity Migration of Accounting Transaction Data.
- Click Migrate accounting transaction data using the migration tool.
- Find the migration unit CC and click Execute Migration(CC is the ID of the migration unit).
- On the newly open page, select open item payable with source file DDD.xml(DDD is the ID of the uploaded file).
- Click Process File.
- After the system process the file, you get below errors: Tax Data: missing key relationship for the following values:Key AAAA, XXX...XXXXXXX, BB.
Here, the ID XXX...XXXXXXX is more than 35 characters.
There's a discrepancy between the source structure document ID field length in the migration object OPEN_ITMS_PAYABLE Open Items tab versus the Tax Data and Withholding Tax data tabs in the migration template, and the former Open Items tab is the correct length (35) as per the length defined in the target structure. The result of this is that when you have a field length longer than 35 maintained, the field is truncated on the open items tab and then there's no matching key on the untruncated tax tabs, so there's a validation error at this point.
The issue can be resolved by maintaining document ID of 35 characters or less in all tabs, as this is the correct field length.
At the moment there's an internal discrepancy between field length allowed in this field on the Open Items tab versus the two tax tabs (which allow 80 characters). It will be enhanced in the future release.
Note: OPEN_ITMS_RECEIVABLE migration object is fine without such issue.
Open Item for Payable. Migration. Tax Data: missing key relationship for the following values. Migration of Accounting Transaction Data. , KBA , AP-ACC , Business ByDesign: Financial Accounting , Bug Filed