SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3228663 - Continuous Performance Activity Error: No goals available


When creating an activity in Continuous Performance, selecting the dropdown for Performance Goal or Development Goal shows No goals available.


  • SAP SuccessFactors Continuous Performance Management
  • SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management
  • SAP SuccessFactors Career Development Planning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Log in to system
  2. Navigate to Home dropdown > Continuous Performance
  3. Click on Create Activity
  4. Select the dropdown for Performance Goal or Development Goal
  5. See No goals available in the dropdown


Expected behavior - A goal has not been created under the default performance goal/development goal plan


Continuous Performance only allows you to select goals created from the default performance goal/development goal plan. This is current system design and is described in Using Continuous Performance Management - Adding CPM Integration to Goal Management.

To correct the issue, create a goal for the default goal plan.

See Also

Using Continuous Performance Management - Adding CPM Integration to Goal Management


CPM, Activity, Link activity, No goals available, Performance goal missing, Development goal missing, default goal, objectives, objective, missing, blank, not available, unavailable, drop down, options, cannot select, can not , KBA , LOD-SF-CPM-ACT , Activities , LOD-SF-GM-INT , Integrations with PM, CMP, VP, EC, etc. , LOD-SF-CPM-GM , Goal Integrations , LOD-SF-CDP-INT , CDP Integrations, LMS, PM, EC etc. , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Succession & Development all versions


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