- Unable to execute replication task or flowgraph in real-time which is using DB2LogReaderAdapter.
- Framework.trc log contains the following error,
- [ERROR] DB2ECCAdapter | ExceptionUtil.newAdapterException [] - Failed to add the first subscription. Error: Initialization for replication of database <database name> has not been done. Failed to subscribe table ["<schema>"."<table>"]. Error: Initialization for replication of database <database name> has not been done.
- [ERROR] DPFramework | WorkerThread.processRequest [] - Failed to add the first subscription. Error: Initialization for replication of database <database name> has not been done. Context: Initialization for replication of database <database name> has not been done.
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration 2.0
SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
DB2ECCAdapter, remote source, real time, delta, replication , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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