You are trying to Post Goods Receipt for the Stock Transfer Notification XXX, however an error is faced even if the Outbound Delivery is Released.
XXX = Outbound Delivery ID and Inbound Delivery Notification ID
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Inbound Logistics work center.
- Select Inbound Delivery Notifications view.
- Find Notification XXX.
- Click Post Goods Receipt.
- The errors are faced:
Action can not be performed, Related Outbound Delivery is not released
Creation of inbound delivery failed
The errors can be a sync issue between the documents, as the Outbound Delivery XXX is released.
As a workaround, you can follow the steps:
- Go to Inbound Logistics work center.
- Select Inbound Delivery Notifications view.
- Find Notification XXX.
- Set the Notification XXX as Advised.
- Go to Outbound Logistics work center.
- Select Outbound Deliveries view.
- Find Outbound Delivery XXX.
- Undo Release the Outbound Delivery XXX.
- Release the Outbound Delivery XXX again.
- Now you can try to Post Goods Receipt for Notification XXX and no error should be faced.
Inbound Delivery Notification, Post Goods Receipt, Outbound Delivery, PGR, IDN, OD, Release , KBA , pgr , release , idn , od , AP-IDP , Inbound Delivery Processing , How To