SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3229045 - Error When Posting Goods Receipt for Notification


You are trying to Post Goods Receipt for the Stock Transfer Notification XXX, however an error is faced even if the Outbound Delivery is Released.

XXX = Outbound Delivery ID and Inbound Delivery Notification ID


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Inbound Logistics work center. 
  2. Select Inbound Delivery Notifications view. 
  3. Find Notification XXX. 
  4. Click Post Goods Receipt. 
  5. The errors are faced:

Action can not be performed, Related Outbound Delivery is not released
Creation of inbound delivery failed


The errors can be a sync issue between the documents, as the Outbound Delivery XXX is released.


As a workaround, you can follow the steps:

  1. Go to Inbound Logistics work center. 
  2. Select Inbound Delivery Notifications view. 
  3. Find Notification XXX. 
  4. Set the Notification XXX as Advised. 
  5. Go to Outbound Logistics work center. 
  6. Select Outbound Deliveries view. 
  7. Find Outbound Delivery XXX. 
  8. Undo Release the Outbound Delivery XXX. 
  9. Release the Outbound Delivery XXX again. 
  10. Now you can try to Post Goods Receipt for Notification XXX and no error should be faced. 


Inbound Delivery Notification, Post Goods Receipt, Outbound Delivery, PGR, IDN, OD, Release , KBA , pgr , release , idn , od , AP-IDP , Inbound Delivery Processing , How To


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