You are trying to create New Customer Return Notification based on a Sales Order with a Kit or an Outbound Delivery. When you select both the Kit Header and the Kit Items and proceed to the next screen, you see that the Kit Items of the Sales Kit are duplicated. Also, the system displays for the duplicate Kit Item the following warning messages:
- Quantity entered exceeds delivered quantity for item XX in sales order XYZ (XX represents the Item ID and XYZ represents the Sales Order ID).
- Quantity entered exceeds delivery qty for item AA in outbound delivery ABC (AA represents the Item ID and ABC represents the Outbound Delivery ID).
- Quantity entered exceeds delivered quantity for item YY in sales order XYZ (YY represents the Item ID and XYZ represents the Sales Order ID).
- Quantity entered exceeds delivery qty for item BB in outbound delivery ABC (BB represents the Item ID and ABC represents the Outbound Delivery ID).
SAP Business ByDesign
Quantity entered exceeds delivered quantity for item * in sales order *
Quantity entered exceeds delivery qty for item * in outbound delivery *
, KBA , AP-IDP , Inbound Delivery Processing , AP-CRP , Customer Return Processing , Product Enhancement
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