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3229578 - Stylesheets are not distinguishing between node and leaves in hierarchies after the third level


When applying styles to hierarchies and then expanding the nodes and leaves, it does not provide a different color after the third level and then all the leaves below this level will have the same color.



  • SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office 2.8
  • SAP Basis All Releases


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office 2.8 ; SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.51 innovation package


hierarchy, hierarchies, style, stylesheet, color, nodes, leaves, node, leaf, expand, collapse, SAPHierarchyCell, SAPHierarchyCellOdd, SAPHierarchyCell0, SAPHierarchyCell1 and SAPHierarchyCell2, level , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , How To

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