Using DC Manager to test a connect to a DB2 Access Service seeing the below error:
SQL Exception = java.sql.SQLException: JZ00L: Login failed. Examine the SQLWarnings chained to this exception for the reason(s).
Next SQL Exception = java.sql.SQLWarning: TCPIP Network Error: { [NOTCONNECTED] Lost connection to database, , Request(Connect),SubFunc(Failed), SYBTCP RetCode(1) Description(SYBTCP_FAIL), TCP API RetCode (10054) Description(WSAE CONN RESET) } <HostName=XXXX>, <PortNumber=3019>, <Region Name=CICSREGION>, <TPName=AMD2>
Next SQL Exception = java.sql.SQLWarning: Login failure. <SMR>
Next SQL Exception = java.sql.SQLWarning: 010HA: The server denied your request to use the high-availability feature. Please reconfigure your database, or do not request a high-availability session.
- DirectConnect 15.0.1.
- Windows
- Directconnect (DC) Manger
DC Manager 010HA Mainframe Listener , KBA , BC-SYB-MFC , Mainframe Connect (MFC) , Problem
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