SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3230567 - The Freight Can't be Added in Invoice Generated from Migrated Sales Order


You find that the freight can't be added in the invoice generated from a migrated sales order.



Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Customer Invoicing Work Center - Invoice Documents View
  2. Open Customer Invoice ABC (where ABC stands up for custoemr invoice ID)
  3. Navigate to the Pricing tab
  4. Under Total Pricing Add Row button is grayed out

 The Customer Invoice ABC is generated from a migrated sales order.


For items that are migrated with a net value, the assumption is that this value is the total value been processed OUTSIDE of the byd system. For items that have this migrated price component maintained in the migration file, the price components are all read only due to the above. The same is carried forward to all documents including customer invoice.

For items that do not have this migrated price component maintained in the migration file, the price components are editablein the customer invoice, as the total value of the process has not yet been recognised (eg.. freight, surcharge etc).


This is the current system behavior.

You can migrate a sales order without price component maintained in the migration file and make the system determines the net value based on the price list in the system.

See Also

KBA 2730098 - Migrated Sales Orders Have Open Status

KBA 3096254 - Wrong Net Value is showing in Migrated Sales Order

KBA 1408186 - Change of Pricing of Products at Item Level for Migrated Sales Orders is not Possible

KAB 2779823 - How to Change the Tax Date When Invoicing the Outbound Delivery Invoice Requests from Migrated Sales Orders

KBA 1966031 - You are Not Able to Add a New Overall Discount in the Invoice Request


KBA , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , How To


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