After upgrading SAP ASE on systems running SAP applications, below error is received continuously in SAP ASE errorlog :
kernel SQL causing error : _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
kernel Current statement number: 1 Current line number: 1
kernel ************************************
server SQL Text: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
server SQL Text: select SAPSR3.CUDF_VERSION() /* R3:CL_SQL_STATEMENT==============CP:500 T:notable M:001 */
kernel curdb = 4 tempdb = 6 pstat = 0x10000 p2stat = 0x60101000
kernel p3stat = 0x800 p4stat = 0x0 p5stat = 0x8 p6stat = 0x0 p7stat = 0x10000
kernel p8stat = 0x102 p9stat = 0x0 p10stat = 0x0
kernel lasterror = 0 preverror = 0 transtate = 0
kernel isolation = 0 tranmode = 1 xactcnt = 1 attn = 0 extattn = 0 memusage = 204
kernel curcmd = 193 program = R3B020 00 comm rd ODBC
kernel extended error information: hostname: HOST123 login: SAPSR3
kernel pc: 0x0000000001579dea pcstkwalk+0x487()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001579792 ucstkgentrace+0x212()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001575d22 ucbacktrace+0x54()
kernel pc: 0x000000000183e5cc terminate_process+0xdbc()
kernel pc: 0x00000000015a7f7a kisignal+0x87e()
kernel pc: 0x00007f6dfc42a440 (null)+0xfc42a440()
kernel pc: 0x00000000018b8398 LeRun+0xa158()
kernel pc: 0x00000000018aabb0 LeEvals::LeEvRun(LeRunMode, LeRunStack*, short, LeDataRow*, unsigned char*, int*)+0x70()
kernel pc: 0x000000000232839e LeScalarOp::_LeOpNext(ExeCtxt&)+0x4e()
kernel pc: 0x00000000018a8971 LeEmitSndOp::_LeOpNext(ExeCtxt&)+0x1c1()
kernel pc: 0x000000000187e92d LePlanNext+0xed()
kernel [Handler pc: 0x0x0000000001fe92b0 le_execerr installed by the following function:-]
kernel pc: 0x0000000001fead54 exec_lava+0xae4()
kernel pc: 0x0000000002080565 s_execute+0x18e5()
kernel [Handler pc: 0x0x00000000020e6db0 hdl_stack installed by the following function:-]
kernel [Handler pc: 0x0x00000000020aaea0 s_handle installed by the following function:-]
kernel pc: 0x00000000020af073 sequencer+0xd13()
kernel pc: 0x0000000002095966 execproc+0xcf6()
kernel pc: 0x0000000002083e85 s_execute+0x5205()
kernel [Handler pc: 0x0x00000000020e6db0 hdl_stack installed by the following function:-]
kernel [Handler pc: 0x0x00000000020aaea0 s_handle installed by the following function:-]
kernel pc: 0x00000000020af073 sequencer+0xd13()
kernel pc: 0x000000000090f7f3 tdsrecv__dynexec+0x1a6()
kernel pc: 0x000000000185cd90 tdsrecv_dynamic+0x410()
kernel [Handler pc: 0x0x0000000002202ed0 ut_handle installed by the following function:-]
kernel pc: 0x0000000001874e59 conn_hdlr+0x1979()
kernel end of stack trace, spid 51, kpid 142803369, suid 6
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 and above for Business Suite
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5 and above
CUDF_VERSION(), CUDF_VERSION, stack, upgrade, setup.bin , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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