A user import (e.g. user export in PRD and then user import in QAS) has been performed.
After the import, user-relevant data is missing in transaction SU01 (e.g. Address Data), or the user itself may also be missing (error messages such as "User does not exist").
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
Depending on the SAP_BASIS component of the affected source client/system, the included database tables may vary for the different copy profiles.
Please refer to paragraph G) to find the included database tables of the affected user export.
missing data after user import, address data missing after user import, address data missing after client copy, missing data after system refresh, SAP_ALL, SAP_CUST, SAP_USER, client copy profiles, user import profiles, "user does not exist", loss of user data , KBA , BC-SEC-USR-ADM , Users and Authorization administration , BC-SRV-ADR , Address Management / Business Address Services , BC-CTS-CCO , Client Copy (For ByD issues select BC-TLM-CP) , BC-SEC-USR , User Administration , BC-SEC-AUT , Authorization , Problem
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