SAP ASE is not coming online at startup due to stacktrace and spinlock ASTC_SPIN
Please check ASE errorlog:
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.01 kernel Current process (0x490025) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.02 kernel Current Process is running on Engine 4
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.02 kernel server is using elf symbols for stack decoding (125189 symbols found)
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.02 kernel Address 0x0x0000000001d6a53d (astc__retry_wait+0x12d), siginfo (code, address) = (1, 0x0x00007f8eb6b36d68)
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.02 kernel EFL : 0x0000000000010246
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.02 kernel **** end of signal context ****
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.04 kernel Spinlocks held by kpid 4784165
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.04 kernel Spinlock ASTC_SPIN at address 0x00007f85698be400 owned by 4784165
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel ******** End of stack trace, spid 6, kpid 4784165, suid 0
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel End of spinlock display.
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel pc: 0x0000000001534c10 pcstkwalk+0x482()
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel pc: 0x00000000015345cf ucstkgentrace+0x20f()
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel pc: 0x0000000001530e02 ucbacktrace+0x54()
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel pc: 0x00000000017fbb1b terminate_process+0x90b()
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel pc: 0x00000000015612a4 kisignal+0x868()
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel pc: 0x0000000001d6a53d astc__retry_wait+0x12d()
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel [Handler pc: 0x0x0000000000c43481 astc_handle installed by the following function:-]
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel [Handler pc: 0x0x0000000001091e31 hdl_backout_msg installed by the following function:-]
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel pc: 0x0000000001d68f55 astc_coordinator+0x2b5()
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel end of stack trace, spid 6, kpid 4784165, suid 0
00:0012:00000:00000:2022/08/02 07:28:06.05 kernel bucket manager consolidator terminating
00:0010:00000:00006:2022/08/02 07:28:06.06 kernel ueshutdown: exiting
00:0000:00000:00000:2022/08/02 07:28:06.06 kernel Main thread performing final shutdown.
00:0000:00000:00000:2022/08/02 07:28:06.06 kernel Blocking call queue shutdown.
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
- SAP NetWeaver (NW) - All versions
astc__retry_wait, ASTC_SPIN, signal 11 , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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