Connection test to SAP MaxDB database failed. Following is one example from liveCache connection:
DBSL Library Availability
Client Software Availability
Execute an external operating system command (DBMCLI)
dbmcli_neg: dbmcli_command_execute_error
62 Can not open file 'C:\sapdb\<SID>\data\wrk\dbmsrv_XXXX0037.err'.
35 (System error 5; Access is denied.)
59 Error! Connection failed to node XXXX0037 for database <SID> :
54 -24700,ERR_DBMSRV_NOSTART: Could not start DBM server.
55 -24832,ERR_SHMNOTAVAILABLE: Shared memory not available
84 -24827,ERR_SHMALLOCFAILED: ID C:\sapdb\<SID>\data\wrk\<SID>.dbm.shi, requested size 2608
56 2,Creating temporary shared memory file failed, rc = 5.
44 External program terminated with exit code 2
Determine status using SQL connection
Test the SQL connection (Native SQL at CON_NAME)
\data\wrk\dbmsrv_XXXX00NN.err" - Netweaver">
- SAP MaxDB database/liveCache
- Microsoft Windows
System error 5, Access is denied, dbmcli_command_execute_error, Can not open file dbmsrv, Could not start DBM server, dbmsrv , KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , Problem
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