SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3232277 - Issue with Billing Date field in billing Fiori apps - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2208


In the Create Billing DocumentsCreate Preliminary Billing Documents and Manage Preliminary Billing Documents apps, the billing date of the saved billing document differs from the billing date manually set during creation.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2208 HFC2
Sales Billing

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open Create Billing Documents app
  2. Open Billing Settings
  3. Turn on Set billing date and type before billing

Billing Setting.png

  1. Select the SD Document for billing
  2. Choose Create Billing Documents
  3. Enter manually a billing date (for example 10.08.2022)

Set Billing Date.png

  1. Choose OK
  2. Choose Save
  3. The billing date (09.08.2022) of the saved billing document differs from the billing date entered manually (10.08.2022) before the creation

saved invoice.png


Since SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2208, the sap.m.DatePicker also considers the time zone that is maintained in the settings.
Using the billing creation apps, the manually set billing date will be shifted due to time zone user settings in case time zones from the browser application and user settings differ.
A wrong billing date will be persisted on data base for the billing document.


The issue is planned to be fixed with HFC3 (RTH 17.08.2022).

As workaround to prevent the issue, ensure that the browser and user time zone settings are aligned.

  1. Open user settings


  1. Set time zone for user account same as browser time zone (for example CET for user account and CET as browser time zone)

User Settings_CET.png

See Also

KBA 3231384 - Chosen date in Date Picker is shifted
KBA 3232862 - Issue with date fields in the Plan Customer Projects app - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2208
KBA 3232892 - Issue with Valid From and Valid To date in the Manage Product Hierarchy Assignments app - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2208
SAP Help - Create Billing Documents
SAP Help - Create Preliminary Billing Documents
SAP Help - Manage Preliminary Billing Documents
Fiori Apps Library - Create Billing Documents
Fiori Apps Library - Create Preliminary Billing Documents
Fiori Apps Library - Manage Preliminary Billing Documents


Create Billing Documents, F0798,  Create Preliminary Billing Documents, F2876, Manage Preliminary Billing Documents, F2875, Billing Date, VBRK-FKDAT, DatePicker, Language & Region, Time Zone, User Settings, Regression, CE2208 , KBA , SD-BIL , Billing , SD-BIL-2CL , Billing (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2208