When working with app Test Your Processes and executing the test script for 1WQ (Bill of Exchange), input of interim account is causing error.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2208 with HFC01 and HFC02
Reproducing the Issue
Process step test execution will fail at
- process step #8(Present a Check to a Bank - Check Clear) in 1WQ Scenario
The reason is that the new bank account ledger has been activated for AE country. In this case, the input G/L of interim account is a cash account, and it can be assigned to multiple house bank accounts, accordingly the house bank account must be pre-determined before posting otherwise error will be returned in posting interface.
The standard script with adaption changes will be available in S/4HANA Cloud Release 2208 (w/ Hotfix 03) – ie., Post 6th and 7th of August.
There is a workaround:
- Use the value help of the interim account to determine both the interim account and the house bank account. In case of manual input, the system cannot determine the house bank account due to possibility of all the bank accounts sharing the same interim account.(manually)
- Please do re-record the same as custom script, in order work with automation script.
2208, S/4HANA Test Automation Tool, Interim Account, 1WQ, Bill of Exchange Transactions, FTR03 , KBA , CA-CTT-S4C-CNT , Automated Test Content for S/4HANA Cloud , Problem