The purpose of this KBA is to provide information about the processes to clean up and remove data from various tables of the various infoprovider types. It covers options to:
- Remove data, but make it accessible if required
- Remove data permanently
The KBA covers cleaning up data from:
- Infocubes* (CUBE)
- Classic Datastore Objects* (DSO)
- PSA*
- Advanced DataStore Objects (ADSO)
- DTIS**
- Characteristics
* Only in SAP NetWeaver and S/4HANA (component SAP_BW)
** Only in BW/4HANA (component DW4CORE)
- SAP Netweaver BW
adso, odso, cube, housekeeping, archiving, nls, near-line storage, nearline storage, near line storage, request deletion, delete request, compress, compression, cleanup, clean up, remove, write optimized, standard, changelog, cl, aq, at, active table, activation queue, change log, footprint, temperature, dto, data tiering, housekeeping, housekept, temp, Perform selective deletion, PC is not deleting the data correctly , Cannot delete data from ADSO, data deletion, Change log table deletion, ADSO - Change Log - Delete Change log does not work properly , Change log data not getting deleted. , Change log deletion, change log data, Memory consuming housekeeping issue, Housekeeping Process Variant, SAP system housekeeping , housekeeping request , housekeeping process variant , KBA , BW-WHM-DBA , Data Basis , BW-WHM-DBA-DSO , DataStore Object (classic) , BW-WHM-DBA-ADSO , DataStore Object (advanced) , BW-WHM-DBA-MD , Master Data , BW-WHM-DBA-ICUB , InfoCubes , BW-WHM-DST-PSA , Persistent Staging Area , BW4-DM-ADSO , DataStore Object (Advanced) , BW4-DM-MD , Masterdata , How To
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