Software Update Manager (SUM) user interface (UI) screen is hanging at Process Execution step of upgrade with the following error.
sapstartsrv.log -> Can be found under /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/ (UNIX) or C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\work\ (Windows)
[Thr 15728] *** ERROR => [CSRF Protection]: CSRF protection check failed: CSRF protection switched on, but no CSRF Token provided by client [CsrfProtecti 310]
[Thr 15728] *** ERROR => [CSRF Protection]: CSRF verification failed. Rejecting request [HTTP - 403] [CsrfProtecti 384]
[Thr 17936] HTTPHandlerManager : HTTP Handler found for /lmsl/sumjava/<SID>/slp/services/SUM4Java/processes
[Thr 17936] *** ERROR => [CSRF Protection]: CSRF protection check failed: CSRF protection switched on, but no CSRF Token provided by client [CsrfProtecti 310]
[Thr 17936] *** ERROR => [CSRF Protection]: CSRF verification failed. Rejecting request [HTTP - 403] [CsrfProtecti 384]
CSRF, SUM UI, Java, sapstartsrv, protection, verification, HTTP - 403 , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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