When using PRT Availability check, orders are scheduled to use the same PRT on the same dates, and the Availability check informs that all PRTs are available.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
This is the standard system behavior of the availability check for PRT's.
- What is checked during the availability check of PRT?
Status in the master record of every PRT category (material, PRT (misc.), document or equipment) determines whether a PRT is available or not. During the availability check, the system statically checks this status to see whether the PRT is available for use or not.
The availability check for PRTs does not check whether other orders or networks require the same PRT at the same time.
See Also
PRT, PRT's, availability check, orders, production order, operations, schedule, scheduled, available. , KBA , PP-SFC-PLN-PRT , Production Resources/Tools , PP-SFC-PLN-PRT-2CL , Production Resources/Tools (Public Cloud) , PP-SFC-PLN-2CL , Order Planning (Public Cloud) , PP-BD-2CL , Basic Data (Public Cloud) , PP-BD-PRT , Production Resources/Tools , Problem