After a completed migration of employees with personnel administration data, you detect that employees are migrated with incorrect data, e.g. incorrect org assignments. You therefore want to mass update these employees with correct data. But you don't find any option to perform this action.
SAP Business ByDesign
There is no standard option to option to perform a mass change of employee data, or to revert or repeat a migration.
You can use SAP Business ByDesign embedded HCM capabilities to manage your employees. You may set up a communication arrangement to enable the following web services for personnel administration:
- Hire an employee - ManagePersonnelHiringIn
- Transfer an employee - ManagePersonnelTransferIn
- Rehire an employee - ManagePersonnelRehireIn
- Terminate an employee - ManagePersonnelLeavingIn
- Manage an Employee - ManageEmployeeIn
Note: Due to complex backend logic, these services are not released to be available in the service explorer. But you can involve them into your scenario and they are e.g. visible via the following path:
- Go to Application and User Management work center
- Go to Communication Scenarios view
- Mark Personnel Administration line
- Find the above mentioned operations
- If source and target org units are in the same company, you can transfer the employee. In this case, use ManagePersonnelTransferIn. The transfer date must be at least on day later as the original hire date.
- If source and target org unit are in different companies, you first need to terminate and then to rehire the employee. In this case, use ManagePersonnelLeavingIn and then ManagePersonnelRehireIn. The termination date can be the same as the original hire date. But the rehire date must be at least on day later.
Beyond Soap APIs, most employee data can be accessed using OData Services and custom web service APIs using the SAP Cloud Applications Studio.
See Also
See e.g. help documents::
Communication Systems Quick Guide
Communication Arrangements Quick Guide
See e.g. blog:
update, enhance, data, organizational, unit, structure, company, reporting line, completion , KBA , SRD-HR-PAD , Personnel Administration , How To