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3234429 - Replication Server stacks after Message 102 Incorrect syntax near '<invalid character>'- SRS


  • RS server and ASE servers use iso_1 character set
  • There are invalid iso_1 characters in the data
  • Replication Server stacks after Message 102 Incorrect syntax near
    ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(273(1) RDS.RDB) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5172)
     Message from server: Message: 102, State 181, Severity 15 -- 'Incorrect syntax near ''.
    THREAD FATAL ERROR #5273 DSI EXEC(273(1) RDS.RDB) - neric/dsi/dsiqmint.c(5213)
     To write the failed transaction into log, please execute 'sysadmin log_first_tran, RDS, RDB'.
    Please analyze the transaction and provide an appropriate fix based on your analysis, then resume the connection.
    Thread DSI EXEC(273(1) RDS.RDB) infected with signal 6.
    Dumping memory trace.
    ***************STACK TRACE***************
    *****thread DSI EXEC(273(1) RDS.RDB)*******
    (linux_dump_all_func_stack+0x32) [0x8d6170]
    (dbg_dump_stack_noarg+0x31) [0x8fb55d]
    (dbg_dump_stack+0x164) [0x8fc880]
    (exc__appDumpStack+0x105) [0x6e5675]
    (exc_terminate+0x20f) [0x6e9225]
    (linux_catch_signal+0x26c) [0x54750c]
    /lib64/ [0x7fb9db03f850]
    /lib64/ [0x7fb9d985f875]
    /lib64/ [0x7fb9d9860e51]
    /lib64/ [0x7fb9d98a08df]
    /lib64/ [0x7fb9d98a60e8]
    /lib64/ [0x7fb9d98ab18c]
    (mem_free+0xf9) [0x793fa9]
    () [0x6b1c6a]
    (srv__start_function+0x1eb) [0xa4b2db]
    /lib64/ [0x7fb9db037806]
    /lib64/ [0x7fb9d990b7ed]
    *****End of stack trace.****
    Internal error. Attempting to produce a core file.



SAP Replication Server 15.7


charset, repserver, crashed , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem

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