Did system refresh from one HANA system to another HANA system (such as from Production to Quality system) following SAP Note:
2300937 - Backup and restore for SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model
then notice XSA can't start up with error:
xscontroller.out, xsuaaserver.out and xsexeagent.out all share same error as:
[2022-08-02 23:03:31:871]-[Generic]-[log]: Primary system: Allowing service startup.
PID: 20738
[2022-08-02 23:03:35:116]-[Installation.Misc]-[log]: Unable to locate XSA persistence within tenant db '<tenant DB name>'
[2022-08-02 23:03:35:152]-[Installation.Misc]-[log]: Can't connect to the system DB with user 'SYS_XS_RUNTIME', using the credentials from the SSFS.
[2022-08-03 01:03:36:750]-[Generic]-[log]: Database '<tenant DB name>' is still not connectable, giving up...
If run command "XSA diagnose" then it ends with error:
Checking technical XSA database users: Couldn't create instance of SlConfigStore access
Caused by: [10]: authentication failed
- SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced model - XSA
HANA+XSA, HANA plus XSA, back up, migrate, systemdb, system db, tenant db, doesn't, running, restart, hana db service, frequently, often, frequent, HDB, xs controller, MissingResourceException: Couldn't create instance of SlConfigStore access , KBA , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , Problem
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