SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3234777 - CMT : CPQ - How to Find URL for Favorite Product


CPQ - How to Find URL for Favorite Product


Applies To:  




This article shows you how to locate the URL for each of the configured products in your "Favorites" section in the CPQ UI.

The goal is to allow users to have a link that directly goes to a specific favorite product so they can easily see all of the configured components and add it to a quote.






  1. To find the Favorite ID for each of the favorites, please navigate to the favorites page

  2. Right click on the "Customize" button and select "Inspect" from the drop down


  3. In the side panel that pops up, you will see a highlighted section that has "CustomizeFavorite(#)




  4. The # between the parenthesis will be your unique favorite product ID


  5. Please do this for all of the products that are in your favorites section and keep note of them


  6. Now, we need to generate the URL that would lead us to the configured product


  7. Use this template

         URL: installation_url/Configurator.aspx?favid=#


               - "installation_url" is your domain for CPQ (example shown below)


               - # is the favorite ID that you found earlier


  8.You will need to generate the URL for each of your favorite IDs that you have found

               - For example, one of our URLs would be



  9. Make sure to test each URL to ensure it directs you to the configuration view of each favorite



  • Each favorite product will have a separate URL
  • The URL will NOT work if you paste them into MS Word and click the link through there, but it will work if the document is converted into a PDF 
  • URL will also work if you paste it directly into your browser
  • You should be logged in to your environment before you try to access the URL that is generated
  • If you are not logged in to the correct environment, then you will not be able to access the product



KBA , CEC-SAL-CPQ , Sales Cloud CPQ , How To


SAP CPQ all versions