Applies To:
This article will show you how to Integrate CPQ with AdobeSign.
AdobeSign® integration enables you to send a quote to customer, so they can e-sign the document and send back to sales representative. This shorten time needed for the entire process to be completed and allows sales representatives to close their deals faster.
Instructions provided below will explain how to integrate your tenant with AdobeSign provider. It is assumed that you already have your AdobeSign® account created at AdobeSign® portal.
CPQ side:
Go to Setup > Providers > Providers. Among available providers click on AdobeSign®.
This opens the page where you can set integration parameters for your tenant.
Integration parameters
Base Url - This is the URL to Adobe site you log in as a regular user.
To obtain Client Id and Client Secret parameters, after you are logged into AdobeSign, click on API, then API application and finally Configure OAuth for Application. This opens a pop up which displays the desired information.
Go to API to get client id and client secret parameters
Enter the needed integration parameters and click Save. This way, you successfully integrated your CPQ tenant with your AdobeSign® account.
Document Template Tags
AdobeSign® tags are used to indicate locations in the document where recipient needs to take action.
If tags are added to the document, then signer is forced to sign the document at the exact place in the document where the tag has been placed. If tags are not added to the document, then AdobeSign® defines the place where the signer will put their signature.
Creating templates for E-Signing
To mark place in the document generation template where signer should put their signature you must insert AdobeSign tag as a signature placeholder: {{Sig_es_:signer1:signature}}.
Integration statuses
There are four quote statuses that are used during the signing process:
- E-Sign Accepted
- E-Sign Declined
- E-Sign Rejected
- Waiting for E-Signing
When quote is sent to the representative for E-signing, the quote status is changed to “Waiting for E-Signing”. As soon as the document is signed, the quote status moves to “E-sign Accepted”. On the other hand, if the signer refuse to sign the document, it is moved to “E-sign declined” status. If the document is revoked, before it has been signed, the quote status changes to “E-sign rejected”.
Integration actions
Transition between E-sign statuses is performed through the integration actions. For this purpose, four built-in actions are available in CPQ Setup:
- Generate Document for E-Sign
- Change E-Sign Status
- E-Sign Accepted
- E-Sign Declined
Action "Generate Document for E-Sign"
This is the only action from this group that is visible in quote layout and that can be triggered by CPQ user. Note that this action should not change quote status. In order to make this action visible in quote layout, you must enable it by setting Workflow Permission for it.
To do so, click on Setup > Workflow/Approval > Workflow Permissions and assign permission for this action to the particular user type(s).
Set permission for action
Action "Change E-Sign Status"
This action is automatically triggered after generating the document - in the moment when user sends a document to AdobeSign. If document processing is successful, the action gets triggered and quote gets moved to the next status. Otherwise, action doesn't get triggered and quote status doesn't get changed.
Actions "E-Sign Accepted" and "E-Sign Declined"
These actions are triggered by AdobeSign and also not visible in Quote layout. Based on user interaction through AdobeSign, one or another action will be triggered. You should set permission for these two actions too as described earlier. Also you must set workflow for these actions.
To do this, go to Setup > Workflow/Approval > Workflow, and under My Quotes tab set actions workflow as described below.
- Action Generate Document For E-Sign itself should not change the quote status. After the quote is sent to AdobeSign using the email form that appears on the screen after the document is generated, quote status should change from “default”, “open” or any other status to “Waiting for E-Signing” status.
- Action E-Sign Accepted should lead quote from “Waiting For E-Signing” to “E-Sign Accepted” status.
- Action E-Sign Declined should lead quote from “Waiting For E-Signing” to “E-Sign Declined” status.
Guest User
AdobeSign process is performed by CPQ guest user. Guest user is set under CPQ Setup > Quotes > Email Customers / Quote Acceptance Settings > User used for Quote Acceptance.
Setting guest user
User type that the guest user belongs to, must have permissions for AdobeSign Accepted and AdobeSign Declined actions.
Setting action permissions
Multisign process
The CPQ integration with AdobeSign supports signing by more than one signer. This is called multisign process. The following section provides you with the information what should be done on CPQ side to enable the multisign process.
The only setup activity needed to enable the multisign process is to add signature placeholders for all signers to the document generation template(s). Note that if this step is omitted, the multisign process will still be available and functional. That is because AdobeSign automaticaly locates the placeholders at the very bottom of the document template in case when no signature placeholders were found. However the general recommendation is to insert placeholders into the template documents at the desired place in order to keep the document generation templates well organized and formatted.
No workflow changes should be performed since the quote moves to status “Waiting for E-Sign” upon being sent to signers and remains in that status until all signers sign or decline to sign the document. The placeholder that is used to mark where signers should sign is: {{Sig_es_:signer{r}:signature}} , where {r} should be the ordinal number of the signer (e.g.{{Sig_es_:signer3:signature}}) . The detailed example is provided in the Examples section of this page.
AdobeSign Document Revoke
CPQ supports the Revoke Document feature, for users who want to void a document that has already been sent to signers, avoiding the need for signers to review an obsolete document. This action can be triggered from the Quote page since it has been developed as standard CPQ Quote action. Action name is “Void Document”.
Workflow should be modeled to move the quote back from “Waiting for E-Signing” to the previous status, after the Void Document action is triggered. Once the signer clicks on the link received through an email, they will be informed that the document has been revoked.
Example of signing process
To test AdobeSign process, create new CPQ quote and click on Generate Document for E-Sign action.
Action Generate Document for E-Sign
On the next screen choose the document generation template, and click on it to generate the document. Once the document is generated, the email form gets displayed. This email form is used to send the document to the signer(s) for signing.
Email form for sending document to the signer
On this page you define signer(s). To add a signer click Add Signer. This opens form where you should enter signer's email, name, position and company name. Only email and name fields are mandatory.
Adding signer
Add Signer button allows you to select bill to, ship to, or End user role as a signer, provided that you have the role defined at the quote.
Adding Bill to role as a signer
Signer added
As you can see, you are able to define more than one signer. If you define at least two signers, then you are allowed to choose if they should sign the document in defined order - sequentialy or not. If you select this option, the document link is sent to only one signer - the first in the list. As soon as they sign, the document link is sent to the next signer. If the first signer rejects to sign the document, the signing process is terminated, so next signers will not recieve the link.
To send document to signer(s), click Send agreement to AdobeSign.
Signer recieves an email with the link to the document. Clicking the link leads signer to the AdobeSign service page where they can sign. If your document contained signer placeholders, then the signer will be positioned at the appropriate placeholder to sign the document.
Signing the document in AdobeSign
Clicking on the signing box (“Click here to sign”), opens a popup where signer can choose whether they want to type, draw or upload an image that contains scanned signature.
Signer creates a signature
Clicking Apply will close the popup, and signer is allowed to complete the process by clicking the Click to Sign button at the bottom of the page.
Signer completes their signing process
After the signing, signer is offered to download a copy of the signed document, but the same document will be sent to the singer's email.
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