Applies To:
This article will show you what the value in column Product_opt_id means in table, Cart-Item.
"Product_opt_id" is a column on the "Cart_Item" table in the database that contain a value the system checks for to see if all products are fully configured on cart before proceeding. In some customer's environment, they will have this column checked before allowing users to execute next step. Sample CTX tag used for condition is below:
[EQ](<*TABLE(SELECT count(*) from cart_item where cart_id=<*CART_ID*> and userid=<*CART_OWNER_ID*> and (line_item is null) and product_opt_id<>1)*>,0)
Values and the meaning of each values are showed below:
NotComplete = 0
Complete = 1
Invalid = 2
CompleteIncompleteChildren = 3
NotCompleteIncompleteChildren = 4
Sample image from database:

Query to run in database to check column, Product_opt_id, is, select * from cart_item where cart_id='' and userid=''
*Please insert Cart and User IDs to complete the query.
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