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3235052 - rs_helpsub does not display properly with new create subscription syntax - SRS


When using a new syntax for create subscription command with where clause, rs_helpsub does not work properly when display the subscription definition - the where section is not displayed at all.



1> create subscription SUB01 for REPD01
2> with replicate at ds01.db01
3> where col01 = 'C' and col02 = 0.0 and col03 = 'XXXXX' or
4> where col01 = 'C' and col02 = 0.0 and col03 = 'ZZZZZZ' or
5> where col01 = 'C' and col02 = 0.0 and col03 = 'WWWWWT' or
6> where col01 = 'C' and col02 = 0.0 and col03 = 'HHHHHH'
7> subscribe to truncate table
8> go
Subscription 'SUB01' is in the process of being created.


Subscription Name Rep. Def. Name Replicate DS.DB A/C RRS PRS Dynamic SQL
SUB01 REPD01 ds01.db01 0 Valid Valid On

Owner Creation Date
repxxx Aug 09, 2022

Subscription Text
create subscription SUB01
for REPD01
[with primary at ds00.db00]
with replicate at ds01.db01
subscribe to truncate table


But work fine if using the old syntax:


1> create subscription SUB01 for REPD01
2> with replicate at dsn01.dbn01
3> where col01 = 'C' and col02 = 0.0 and col03 = 'PPPPP'
4> subscribe to truncate table
5> go
Subscription 'SUB01' is in the process of being created.


Subscription Name Rep. Def. Name Replicate DS.DB A/C RRS PRS Dynamic SQL
SUB01 REPD01 dsn01.dbn01 0 Valid Valid On

Owner Creation Date
repxxx Aug 09, 2022

Subscription Text
create subscription SUB01
for REPD01
[with primary at dsn00.db00
with replicate at dsn01.dbn01
col01 = "C"
and col03 = "PPPPP"
and col02 = 0.0
subscribe to truncate table


Note: RSSD database is located on ASE.



SAP Replication Server 16.0 SP03 PL09


SAP Replication Server 16.0


replication, rs_helpsub, subscription text where clause display new syntax style and or in value list, 827007,  CR 827007, CR# 827007 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed

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