SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3235080 - No Contact Person Name in XML Data of Customer Invoice


Contact is selected in the sales order but when the Customer Invoice form is created, it is not available to be mapped in the form. You find that no contact person name in XML data of the customer invocie.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

1. Go to the Customer Invoicing Work Center

2. Select the Invoice Document View

3. Search for the Customer Invoice ABC (where ABC represents the invoice ID)

4. Click on Edit and View All

5. Navigate to Output History view

6. Click on the View Data XML button

No contact person name in XML data


The BillToParty-ContactPerson field is present for countries GB/FR/CA/AU/ZA/DK/SG/NO and for all these countries the contact person is determined from the bill to party contact details and will fill the contact person details for the above mentioned countries in the XML (If maintained in master data).

The example Customer Invoice ABC is for country AE, which is why there is no contact person name in XML data .


This is the current system behavior.

In this case, we recommend you to have an extension field with this information and then using that field for the desired purpose.

Note that Header Level Extension Fields will be considered a Split Criteria, find more information on KBA 1500875 - Split Criteria in Customer Invoicing.


Contact Person, Customer Invoice, BillToParty, output, form template , KBA , SRD-CRM-INV , Customer Invoicing , Problem


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