SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3236344 - Not Possible to Make Field 'Add Recurrence' Visible in Route's Proposed Visits Advanced Search


Not possible to make field 'Add Recurrence' visible in Route's Proposed Visits advanced search.


 SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Visits work center.
  2. Go to the Routes view. 
  3. Open route ABC (ABC represents the route ID).
  4. Click on Add -> Visit.
  5. Open the advanced search of pop-up window.
  6. Field 'Add Recurrence' is not available, even thought it is maintained in Adaptation.


Route ABC is a route with the type 'Template'. 'Add Recurrence' field is only available for routes of type 'Route', it is not available for the type 'Template'.


This is the expected system behavior.


Add Recurrence, Template, Route, Visits , KBA , LOD-CRM-ACT-VST , Visit Planning , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2202