SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3236752 - How to retrieve email template changes in SuccessFactors?


  • Is there audit report on SuccessFactors for email template changes?
  • How to find out who last modified the email notification template?


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite


The availability of change audit logs for email template changes is currently not supported due to the following reasons:

  • SuccessFactors does not possess a feature that allows for the auditing of email template changes.
  • The system does not generate specific logs when an email template is changed.

However, it's possible to retrieve the last modified date and user ID for E-Mail Notification Templates in Data Inspector by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Data Inspector
  2. Select entity "Table_SYS_CONFIG"
  3. Define the criteria by selecting "System Config Type" equals to "EmailTemplate"
  4. Results will appear informing you of the user who last modified all email notification templates.

Ensure you have the Data Inspector enabled prior to performing the above steps as per: 3319018 - How To Enable Feature Data Inspector - SAP for Me 

Please find below a few examples of the System Config Key for each template. Usually, it's possible to determine the template corresponding key based on the key name, but if you need assistance to identify an specific template, please engage product support under LOD-SF-PLT-NOT component.

Email Notification TemplateSystem Config Key
Document Creation NotificationDocumentCreation
Document Routing NotificationDocumentRoute
Document Forward NotificationDocumentSendCopy
Document Routing Skip NotificationDocumentSkipRoute
Removing Current Signer NotificationPERFORMANCE_DocumentRemoveCurrentSigner
Document Routing Step Exit NotificationDocumentExitStep
360 Document Approval Notification360Approval
360 Document Evaluation Notification360Feedback
Welcome Message Notification with ResetADMIN_KBA_WELCOME_MESSAGE

See Also


SF, SuccessFactors, Email template, Email template audit log, email template changes, logs, not possible , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-NOT , Email Notifications , LOD-SF-PLT-CHA , Change Audit , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions