You are picking an outbound delivery in the RF environment by choosing the Picking by WO option, and the system asks to place the Pick-HU, but the WO that you choose, it is not related to any HU. The expectation would be that after choosing the picking by WO option, display only the material to pick the bin from the pick task.
It's missing the customizing 'Control Display of Pick-HU Screen During RF Picking' to allows you to control the display of the screen for creating pick-handling units in the radio frequency environment.
In the configuration 'Control Display of Pick-HU Screen During RF Picking' You will need to maintain the Define Display of Pick-HU Screen Determination Tab and also the Define Display of Pick-HU Screen Sequence Tab, to choose which fields are used to determine the display of the screen and in which sequence the fields are used too.
You configure the rules based on the warehouse order parameters:
- Warehouse process type
- Warehouse order creation rule
- Warehouse process category
- Activity
- Activity area (source)
- Queue
In the end of the table, in the column 'Pick-HU', you can hide or display the screen by default and decide whether to allow you to go back to the screen to manually create pick-HUs.
In your case you will need to maintain one of the two option for RF Picking below:
Hide HU-Pick Screen But Display on Back- The system hides the screen but displays it when you choose Back.
With this option, you can manually create a HU.
Hide HU-Pick Screen and Exit on Back- The system hides the screen and exits the screen when you choose Back.
With this option, you cannot manually create a HU.
*If you choose the option 'Display HU-Pick Screen' in this field you will stay with the configuration as it's. The system displays the screen and you must choose Next to continue.
Picking by HU, RF environment, s/4hana cloud, control display of pick-HU screen during RF picking, hide HU, hide HU-picking, radio frequency environment, display HU, pick screen, create HU, screen sequence HU, Pick-HU. , KBA , SCM-EWM-RF , Radio Frequency Processing , SCM-EWM-RF-2CL , Radio Frequency Processing (Public Cloud) , How To