Your Db2 database crashes with FODC_IndexError.
Just before the crash you observe these errors in the db2diag.log:
2022-06-03- I220377442E583 LEVEL: Severe
PID : 80443 TID : 140292384614144 PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2sap NODE : 000 DB : P40
APPHDL : 0-62094 APPID: *LOCAL.db2sap.220603155427
AUTHID : db2sap HOSTNAME: usirv99a02n01
EDUID : 1940 EDUNAME: db2agent (P40) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, index manager, procT2Leaf2Del, probe:7
RETCODE : ZRC=0x8709002C=-2029453268=SQLI_NOKEY "Key not found within node"
DIA8541C The index key could not be found, the value was "".
2022-06-03- E220382998E803 LEVEL: Error
PID : 80443 TID : 140292384614144 PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2sap NODE : 000 DB : P40
APPHDL : 0-62094 APPID: *LOCAL.db2sap.220603155427
AUTHID : db2sap HOSTNAME: usirv99a02n01
EDUID : 1940 EDUNAME: db2agent (P40) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, index manager, sqliDumpPageFromAllMembers, probe:20
MESSAGE : ADM14005E The following error occurred: "IndexError". First
Occurrence Data Capture (FODC) has been invoked in the following
mode: "Automatic". Diagnostic information has been recorded in the
directory named
Checking the stack in FODC_IndexError_YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.MMMMMM, you see the following:
sqlischdP7SQLI_CBP11SQLI_SDGLOBtj + 0x26e4
sqldVirtualColumnDeleteKeyP8sqeAgentP13SQLD_DFM_WORK8SQLZ_RIDtm + 0x0142
sqldbOlrDeleteEmptyITCBlockP8sqeAgentP13SQLD_DFM_WORKP8SQLD_TCB + 0x0b52
sqldbPerformItcOlrRowMovementP8sqeAgentP13SQLD_DFM_WORKP18SQLD_OLR_INTERRUPTP8SQLD_TCB + 0x0471
sqldOnlineTableReorgP8sqeAgenttthmittPciS1_iP9SQLP_LSN8S3_si + 0x3356
sqlrreorg_tableP8sqlrr_cbttP8sqlrg_idtiimiisPhiS3_iishi + 0x10bc
sqlrreorg_sendinfoP14db2UCinterfacei + 0x2332
sqlrr_reorgP14db2UCinterfacei + 0x0171
sqlerKnownProcedureiPcPiP5sqldaS2_P13sqlerFmpTableP8sqeAgentP5sqlca + 0x1349
sqlerCallDLP14db2UCinterfaceP9UCstpInfo + 0x139d
sqljs_ddm_excsqlsttP14db2UCinterfaceP13sqljDDMObject + 0x0618
sqljsParseRdbAccessedP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP13sqljDDMObjectP14db2UCinterface + 0x010b
sqljsParseP13sqljsDrdaAsCbP14db2UCinterfaceP8sqeAgentb + 0x054e
- DB2 11.1 prior to release
FODC_IndexError IndexError DIA8541C ADM14005E , KBA , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem
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