SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3238156 - Service Entry Sheet Work Flow Error after CE2208 upgrade


You are using flexible workflow for service entry sheets and determine approving agents using BADI MMPUR_WORKFLOW_AGENTS_V2
After the CE2208 upgrade you find that the service entry sheets are going into error with no agent found. 
The system is raising error, No agent determined (rule id '/RULE/MM_SES_AG_RULE') 


SAP S/4Hana Cloud - All versions 

Reproducing the Issue

Create a Service Entry Sheet and sent it for approval 


Until CE2208 it was possible to use filter 'MM_SES_AG_RULE' for the BADI
In CE2208 and going forward the filter needs to be set as 'ServiceEnrtySheet' in the BADI implementation 


Create a new BADI implementation and set the filter as 'ServiceEnrtySheet'. 


CL_SES_WFL_AG_DET_BD_IMP, 'ServiceEntrySheet', 'MM_SES_AG_RULE', WS00800321, TS00800593, CL_MM_PUR_WF_OBJECT_SES, 3238156  , KBA , MM-PUR-SVC-SES , Service Entry Sheet for Service Procurement , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2208