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3238387 - DB connection test with SCoTT tool fails with "There is no java.exe file in the given JAVA_HOME directory."


Scott connection test fails:

 -- Error(s) occured, Scott will now terminate. --
 There is no java.exe file in the given JAVA_HOME directory.
 Please check the JAVA_HOME environment variable if it points to the right directory
 and if there is a java.exe file in the "bin" subdirectory.
 JAVA_HOME is pointing to C:\<JVM_PATH>\bin
 There is no javac.exe file in the given JAVA_HOME directory.
 Please check the JAVA_HOME environment variable if it points to the right directory
 and if there is a javac.exe file in the "bin" subdirectory.
 JAVA_HOME is pointing to C:\<JVM_PATH>\bin

C:\scott v3.1>



  • SAP Connection Test Tool (SCoTT)
  • SQL Server Database


SCoTT, JAVA_HOME , There is no java.exe file in the given JAVA_HOME directory , KBA , BC-DB-MSS , SQL Server in SAP NetWeaver Products , Problem

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